Would you like to get in touch with us?


With this service we focus solely on printing. Our attention goes to printing your part or product. We do this accurately, using different printers, technologies, and materials. Which printer, technology or material is most suitable in your situation, we will discuss together. We can print whatever you want. Prototypes with sophisticated machining? No problem. We have short lead times, we are flexible, and you will save on costs!

How does it work?

You already have a ready-to-use 3D drawing and deliver this drawing to us. Now we will bring your drawing to life. Efficient and attention to detail are values we take in high regard. This way we can make a high-quality product in a short period of time. A product that you can use immediately after printing. That's how we work.

Curious about what we can do in the 3D-printing area?

Because of our experience and specialism, we will realize a high-quality prototype that meets all the requirements. Do you have a specific question or do you need a sparring partner? Reach out to us!

Contact us
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